Debbie Carlos is rather blog-famous for her huge (in size and in awesomeness) posters, but if you zip about to all of her little internet-homes you'll find dozens of other reasons to join her fanclub beyond the completely lust-able posters. For instance she...
- has a pet rabbit who tends to show up in some of her photos (I've always longed for a pet rabbit ever since my friend had one named Captain Blackie when I was little)
- recently started making terrariums (I have a thing for terrariums - also since childhood, when I'd make them and keep salamanders in there for a few days before releasing them back into the wild)
- likes to eat delicious food & take pictures of it (I could look at food all day... while simultaneously eating food of my own - food that is almost always less attractive than what I'm looking at on my computer.
- She also has good taste in rugs, she'll make one of your own photographs into one of the big ol' posters, & so forth.